We Serve

The Outreach Team

2023 CROP Walk ~ First Christian Church Greensboro team

Assembling hygiene kits for Church World Service

We serve our church and our community. Our Outreach Team oversees and coordinates service projects that benefit our local community. At least 10 % of pledged giving goes to outreach for needs locally, nationally and globally. Find out about all the ways to get involved serving our community and working toward wholeness in a fragmented world.

Examples of organizations and initiatives we support with time, expertise and/or funding:

  • Disciples of Christ Mission Fund

  • Greensboro Urban Ministry

    • Regular financial support

    • Dinner served to the night shelter for people experiencing homelessness

  • Camp Caroline

  • Christmount

  • One Step Further Food Pantry

  • Week of Compassion

  • Church World Services

  • Special Offerings for Christian Church Disciples of Christ

  • First Christian Church Greensboro Backpacks program

  • CROP Hunger Walk

  • Disciples AllianceQ

  • North Carolina African Services Coalition

  • Faith Action International

  • Interactive Resource Center

  • Barnabas Network

  • Mustard Seed Community Health Organization

  • Reading Connections