What can I expect?
What is worship like?
Our worship is pretty traditional; we’ve got a great organ and we find beauty in the old hymns, but we like to sing all kinds of songs. We think there’s something important about the ancient traditions of the church, but we know that we’re always evolving and we’re always open to trying something new. We laugh a lot together, too. You can expect lots of singing, prayers, time for reflection, challenging sermons, sharing from the community, scripture readings, special music, and many more opportunities to feed your soul while you’re with us.
In the tradition of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we take communion every Sunday. All are welcome to join in this feast as we gather around the table to participate in and remember God’s abundant love for us made manifest through the grace of Jesus Christ. During worship on Sundays, we serve the Lord’s Supper at the front of the sanctuary. Worshippers are invited to come forward to eat bread and drink from individual cups as they come forward. Some prefer to remain in their pew and use the communion meditation as a time of reflection; in this case, the worship leaders will come to serve the supper to you.
What should I wear and/or bring?
Come exactly as you are, and there is no need to bring anything at all except an open mind and desire to learn. You are enough. We have no dress code and there is no expectation of bringing anything. You and yours are welcome just as you are. You’ll see a full range of folks in our sanctuary, all dressed in the way they feel most comfortable.
Who will be there?
There will be folks to greet you and show you around, but we’re also happy for you to wander in and make your own way through our space. The gathering space outside the sanctuary will inevitably be filled before and after worship with members eager to greet one another, reflect on the service, and catch up. Bonus: homemade cookies and other snacks are provided after worship by our amazing Connections Team!
We celebrate a diverse church membership. We have folks whose lived realities represent a spectrum of intersectional identities around sexual orientation, gender expression, socioeconomic status, family configuration, age, national origin, race, religious or non-religious background, and physical or mental ability; or, any other designation of individuals who have known the pain of exclusion and discrimination by the church and society. We embrace all people at any point in their faith journey and recognize each person’s spiritual gifts. We proclaim God’s inclusive welcome to the Communion Table and affirm that full and equal participation in the life, leadership, ministry and fellowship of our church is open to all.
Where do I go?
The main entrance into our parking lot is at 1900 West Market Street; there is ample parking and many spots in the shade. The main door to the gathering space and sanctuary is under the portico facing the parking lot. Once through those double doors, you’ll be in our gathering space that leads directly to the sanctuary. If you’d like your kids to attend the nursery, there will be volunteers to greet you and direct you to the right spot.
Are my kids welcome?
We proclaim that all are welcome in our church; this includes children! Our pastor finds the presence of children, their laughter, and their liveliness a delight and an extra blessing in worship – not a distraction. We offer an activity bag for children to engage with while they’re in the sanctuary. If you’d like to use our nursery, staffed each Sunday morning, we’ll help you with that as well.
What if I can’t attend in person?
We livestream our service every Sunday at 10am on YouTube. If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to sit in with us digitally. Be sure to comment and let us know where you’re watching from. We’d love to get to know you.
What if I want to connect in ways other than Sunday worship?
We know that connection with a church community doesn’t look the same for everyone. There are many ways to engage our faith community outside the traditional worship setting. With Bible studies, book clubs, outreach activities, 1-to-1 conversations with Elders, volunteering in the community, regular potlucks or ice cream socials, and more – there are ample opportunities here for you to seek to know and love God, nurture and be nurtured, and to reach out to all people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our Faith in the World
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us. Our church life has 3 expressions, each self-governing, in covenantal relationship with one another: Congregational, Regional, and General. Our denomination was born out of the broader Stone-Campbell movement just prior to the Civil War, and the General expression of the church organized as it exists today in 1968. Through mutual support with Regions and Congregations, the general expression of the church includes far-reaching ecumenical and interfaith efforts such Global Ministries, Disciples Home Missions, and the National Benevolent Association, among many others. Click here to learn more.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Carolina
There are 31 geographic Regions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Regions strive to strengthen congregational life for the mission of the church by nurturing faith among the congregations, teaching and practicing spiritual disciplines, fostering Disciples’ identity, developing church leaders, establishing new churches, and doing evangelism. Every person who is a member of a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is automatically a member of the Region in which that congregation is located. We are in covenant relationship with the North Carolina Region, and you can learn more about what is happening in our region by clicking here.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Greensboro
Our church is one of approximately 3,200 Disciples of Christ congregations across the United States and Canada. Located at 1900 West Market Street, we love our community of Greensboro, and we seek to make the love of God known and manifest within it by serving others. We hope you’ll find your way home to us; we will be glad to have you! At FCC Greensboro, we celebrate our relationship with the North Carolina Region and with the General expression of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Through each expression of the church, we seek wholeness in a fragmented world, welcoming all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us. At the congregational expression of FCC Greensboro, you will find a table set for you at which you are welcomed and loved.
Our Faith In Action
At FCC Greensboro, we welcome all people, cultivate relationships and community across identities, and create space for sacred conversations. We reach out and serve others in the community and provide hope to all of God’s children. Our congregational life overflows into meaningful, energized and sacred worship that reflects the diversity of our church. We nurture the faith formation of all members through the spiritual practice of prayer, the study of scripture, and respectful and thoughtful conversations. We make good use of our resources by being good stewards of our building, managing financial assets well, and developing efficient organizational structures that fully support our mission.