• Midday Meet & Eat

    Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 11:00am in the Fellowship Hall ~ This month’s program is “Love American Style” followed by lunch in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Blessed are the Women Book Study

    Wednesdays, Feb. 5 to Mar. 26 at 6:15 pm in the Upper Floor Classroom - We will be looking at the women of the Bible using Blessed are the Women  by Claire K. McKeever-Burgett. *We will not meet Feb. 19 & Mar. 19.

  • Third Wednesday Fellowship Covered Dish

    Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall - Join us for a covered dish supper followed by a presentation at 6:30pm given by the Property Team .

  • Movie Night at First Christian Church

    Saturday, Feb. 15 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall ~ Have fun watching The Princess Bride and raise money for Camp Lakey Gap, the Autism Camp based at Christmount Christian Assembly. Popcorn, snacks and drinks provide. Admission by donation.

  • Sippin Sisters

    Thursday, Feb. 27 at 9:30am at Panera’s on Lawndale Dr. ~This women’s fellowship group is open to all women. We meet every fourth Thursday.

Welcome home to First Christian Church Greensboro!

When we say we welcome all people in the name of Jesus Christ, we mean it. And when we say welcome, we mean much more than giving you a pew on which to sit. We affirm, just as we have been affirmed through the abundant grace of God, that you – and all that makes you you – are a child of God, beloved and cherished.

Open and Affirming

We openly welcome persons of all sexual orientation, gender expression, socioeconomic status, family configuration, age, national origin, race, religious or non-religious background, and physical or mental ability: or, any other designation of individuals who have known the pain of exclusion and discrimination by the church and society. We embrace all people at any point in their faith journey and recognize each person’s spiritual gifts. We proclaim God’s inclusive welcome to the Communion Table, and affirm that full and equal participation in the life, leadership, ministry and fellowship of our church is open to all. We seek to continue to learn and grow in our efforts to be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.

Love. Serve. Hope.

Our mission is to know and love God, nurture each other, and reach out and welcome all people in the name of Jesus Christ.

About us

  • What makes us different

    We are a thriving congregation near the heart of Greensboro, North Carolina. Our members bring a diversity of opinions and beliefs about all kinds of things– politics, social issues, theology–and we think that’s good.

    We like to think about our faith and what it means for our lives. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, and if you join us, you’ll have to think for yourself.

  • Our worship

    Our worship is pretty traditional; we’ve got a great organ and we find beauty in the old hymns, but we like to sing all kinds of songs. We think there’s something important about the ancient traditions of the church, but we know that we’re always evolving and we’re always open to trying something new. We laugh a lot together, too. You can expect lots of singing, prayers, time for reflection, challenging sermons, sharing from the community, scripture readings, special music, and many more opportunities to feed your soul while you’re with us.

  • Our denomination

    We are part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world, through which we partner with ministries across North Carolina and around the world. Like most Disciples, we practice believer’s baptism by immersion, which means that we invite older children and adults to make their own decision about following Jesus–though we honor all baptisms from other traditions as well. We share communion–the Lord’s Supper–every week, celebrating the gifts of abundant grace that God has given us.